sync date to an RTC without hwclock

Ronny Nilsson rln-nard at
Wed May 29 15:50:04 CEST 2019

> > Otherwise, can
> > you provide additional technical information? What RTC model have
> > you added and how is it connected? By what pins? I suspect you may
> > need to define your setup via Device Tree to inform the OS. If
> > you are unsure of what Nard version you are running; check
> > the "/etc/release" file in the target. 
> I think all I did to get this going was to set the /boot/config.txt like
> this:
> # use the real-time clock
> dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,ds3231

OK, good. Do you get any message during boot indicating the RTC is found?

There is no standardized way for adding a RTC in Nard unfortunately. Such 
addons always depends on the custom hardware product you create one way or 
the other. I'm open for suggestions to how to improve though... Upgrading the 
image is designed to be easy. Access via SSH is the only requirement. 
However, if you don't want to do that, shipping a new BusyBox binary will 
work too. For example upload it to /sdcard/busybox and execute it from there. 
Everything else can be left untouched.

If your device is already remotely located, without Internet access I, guess 
sending a new SD card by carrier is the best.

> Scroll down to the 5th pic ("Detail of mechatronic sun and moon pointers")

Very nice!


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