QEMU-booting a Nard image

Richard Allen rsaxvc at rsaxvc.net
Sat Feb 2 15:09:15 CET 2019

Does anyone know the invocation to launch
nard in qemu?

This is what I think the incantation should be:

qemu-system-arm \
 -M raspi2\
 -kernel zImage\
 -initrd initramfs.cpio.gz\
 -drive file=../sdcard.img,index=0,media=disk,format=raw\
 -nographic \
 -append "console=ttyAMA0"

but I don't get any output. With the following versatilepb kernel,
I get as far as extracting the initramfs, which then of course
fails with a "kernel too old" while loading init.

qemu-system-arm \
 -M versatilepb\
 -cpu arm1176\
 -m 256\
 -kernel kernel-qemu-4.4.34-jessie\
 -initrd initramfs.cpio.gz\
 -append "console=ttyAMA0"


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