nard and current rpi kernel (3.18.12+)

Ronny Nilsson rln-nard at
Thu May 7 18:12:34 CEST 2015

Nice work Wojtek, I'm glad you got it working!


> Hello all,
> Finally i've been able to get current rpi kernel to build and boot with
> nard. For everyone who wants to try it - here's what i did to make it work:
>  1. get current kernel (3.18.12+) from raspberry pi github repository. I've
> just grabbed
> and repackaged it as linux-rpi-3.18.y.tar.gz
>  2. put new kernel tarball in nard tree in apps/linux-kernel
>  3. run make clean for nard
>  4. switch your project to new kernel version: edit for your
> project, and change:
> PKGS_APPS += linux-kernel/linux-rpi-3.10.y
> to
> PKGS_APPS += linux-kernel/linux-rpi-3.18.y
>  5. replace apps/linux-kernel/Makefile with Makefile attached to this mail.
> It essentially adds "LOCALVERSION=" to build and install commands, to get
> rid of "+" sign from kernel version string
>  6. copy attached kernel config to platform/$yourapp/ to use it during nard
> build - i tried to use 3.10.y config wchich came with nard (of course make
> config asked a lot of additional questions during build), but i couldn't
> get it to boot for some reason, so finally i've used raspbian config for
> current kernel and tried to strip as much unnecessary stuff from it as i
> could/knew - it needs some cleanup, but it works
>  7. rebuild your project
> I'm also attaching bootlog for review.
> cheers,
> Wojtek

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